
Video: Interviews with the Beck Fans

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/30/2010 11:06:00 pm PDT

re: #579 BigPapa

I read your words, they’re in this post. Your ‘panty twister’ foil made a good point, that is all. Please don’t involve me in your scrum.

In your lament it seemed that people of a certain level of intelligence or education be allowed to vote. Who is to decide this?

Also, I have not found education to be a that decisive of a factor in showing intelligence. Many times I’ve met ‘educated’ and accomplished people who say things on par with your average Tea Partier, or alternately dogmatic leftist. So a better ‘education system’ doesn’t necessarily produce fruit in and of itself.

I also said that such a thing is not what I would really want anyway. I prefer the notion of service.

Keep reading.