
GOP Crowd Boos Gay Soldier Serving in Iraq, While Santorum Babbles About Sex

Gus9/23/2011 9:40:30 am PDT

Anti-Immigrant Groups Founded By White Supremacist Wield Influence Over Google/Fox News Debate

The Google/Fox News debate last night featured a new online question submission platform, allowing the “viewing public for the first time to weigh in with votes on questions they want asked.” Steve Grove, an executive at Google, was quoted in a Fox News article saying the new format will “bring more voices into the arena to create an informed and lively dialogue about the future of our country.”

But one of the YouTube questions came from Kristen Williamson, a spokeswoman from Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a conservative advocacy hate group that lobbies for less immigration. Chris Wallace did not introduce Williamson’s question as one selected by viewers. However, the format of the question appeared as the other user-submitted videos.

Earlier during the debate program, NumbersUSA, a right-wing grassroots group also dedicated to decreasing the number of legal immigrants, aired a new national television ad.

Among the many white supremacy connections between the two groups, both were founded with help from John Tanton, an infamous anti-immigrant activist. An advocate of eugenics and other racist beliefs, Tanton has said that his immigration philosophy is guided by the goal of preserving a “European-American majority.” Watch the NumbersUSA ad, followed by the FAIR question about E-Verify to Newt Gingrich…
