
Another Movie Theater Shooting, in Louisiana

Moe Avattar7/24/2015 9:23:17 am PDT

(from a pro-Golden Dawn site)

Rusty Houser
on January 17, 2014 at 9:52 am said:
The situation described,having one political party pretending to be two, is parallel to what exist in the US.The two pretending to be one, are in both instances the very lowest form of life.They work for those who censor, and who love the political power brought by allowing people who will not work for a living, to vote.

The difference between this low-life and Golden Dawn is best seen in the characteristics of both as soldiers.Low life cannot comprehend anything worth dying for. Those with a love for truth are the opposite .In war a lover of truth counts as equal to at least ten low lifes.

Rusty Houser
on January 17, 2014 at 4:52 pm said:
I could not get your meaning, just as you did not get mine.Let me restate.Low-lifes are the enemy of truth.They come in two types A] those that knowingly care about nothing but themselves and B] those that are either brainwashed, or lacking in intelligence.

Examples of low life
-those who do not place ultimate importance on society honoring the family unit [as defined in it’s most traditional sense]
-those that will sell anything for enough money
-those that will not work to support a just government
-those that believe all types of people should live in every nation, with equal protection
-those that oppose the death penalty in a just society, liberally applied
-those that think a just society cannot define sexual deviancy
-those who do not recognize that the role of women is in no way similar to that of men

Rusty Houser
on January 17, 2014 at 7:28 pm said:
I just considered something you should know. EVERYTHING we are saying is known by the enemy.Never say anything on the computer.There is no doubt in my mind, this means of communication will be shut down much sooner than you think.