
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

DocRambo11/28/2009 3:10:17 pm PST

re: #593 freetoken

re: #593 freetoken

Then I recommend you go speak with Eli Rabett, who knows a heck of a lot about Chemistry, who has a blog:
and will be able to answer your questions regarding chemistry and AGW.

However, he is one professor who will not suffer fools, so you better bring your A game.

Professor Rabett has managed to ignore the chemistry and physical principles of the alleged six greenhouse gases from the beginning. Try looking at climate data from prehistoric times. CO2 levels as high as today, with corresponding temperature anomalies. He cries “damage” without referencing it, and has made a pastime of decrying the Chicken Little technique of “The Sky is Falling.” I’ll wait for more data, before I change my views, but the changes he recommends are realistic and not harmful.