
More Than a Quarter of Republicans Believe Anti-Govt Violence Can Be Justified

Dark_Falcon1/11/2011 10:38:25 pm PST

<re: #585 ProLifeLiberal

The next election will probably have West’s opponent doing that. Also, it looks like the Republicans are going to go nuts for the next 2 years, with one of the biggest examples being the “hearings” the great hypocrite Peter King is going to do. By the way, from now on I’ll be referring to him with more blunt of monikers.

It really does depend on who the Dems nominate. If they just nominate a conventional party hack, Allen West will eat him or her alive. Dealing with someone with a ‘War Hero’ label who is that aggressive requires no small amount of skill. You not only have to be patient in laying your trap, you also have to be able to keep your cool and use your arguments right when he comes after you with fury, volume and (rhetorical) force. Get fluster or get intimidated and he’ll snatch a victory from defeat’s jaws. West has guts and he’s not stupid (idiots don’t command battalions in the US Army nowadays), so you have to highlight what he does wrong and then explain clearly why its wrong with answers grounded in fact.