
Rand Paul: Israeli Foreign Aid is 'Welfare'

What, me worry?2/04/2011 9:41:37 pm PST

re: #584 Lidane

That’s a nice happy ideal, but not all of us had it. In my case, my father, older sister, and older brother died in a car accident when I was three months old. I have never, ever had a concept of what having two parents means, or any idea what passes for “normal” as far as social rules or whatever the hell society expects.

To me, all that wishing for how things used to be is just as much of a fairy tale as anything Disney ever produced. It’s a completely foreign concept to me, so I look at all that nostalgia and don’t get it.

Ugh! I find it shockingly surprising that there are some men folk here that are this threatened about an independent woman.

Just because she CAN leave you doesn’t mean she WILL unless you’re a moron.

My father was not that kind of man, thank goodness and he was born in 1926. He helped me become independent and self-confident (my mom, too).