
Onion: Radical Social Security Reform Measures Proposed

The Ghost of a Flea7/28/2011 10:29:39 pm PDT

So I’m supposed to trust the conservatives who won’t alter Medicare Part D, fund abstinence-only sex ed in spite of the program’s flat success rate, “save money” by hiring private prisons that consistently charge for processing misdemeanor-level offenders as though they were high-risk felons, and dump barrelfuls of money into corn ethanol fuel enrichment? The people that don’t care about CBO projections if the numbers don’t fit their ideology? Who are intent on slashing funding to two of the most efficient programs in terms of present-cost versus future expense (PP and WIC) because of their “values”?

These are the people that are going to make the intelligent decisions about how to fix the budget?

Actually, before you ever get to that…how am I supposed to believe in the “small government” ideal when it’s advocates have through my entire lifetime said one thing and done something else entirely?