
Some Christians Angry at Obama's 'Nonbelievers' Statement

Salamantis1/25/2009 2:02:41 pm PST

re: #310 yma o hyd

That is the one thing I truly loathe about these modern atheistis (yeah, there were atheists before the 21st century!): its this need to belittle Christians, and only Christians.
They don’t dare to say things like that to Muslims …

Generally - I’m not interested in what someone believes or not, provided they follow the laws of my country and don’t try to patronise or belittle me for my faith. Since I refrain from trying to missionarise my fellow citizens, I expect the same treatment from them.

Umm…Christopher Hitchens is an atheist, and he seems to have no problems criticizing and condemning Islamofascism. Neither does atheist Ayan Hirsi Ali, and neither did atheist Theo Van Gogh. And there are others; these are just off the top of my head.