
Still Think Nirthers Are a 'Fringe' Group? Think Again

drcordell7/31/2009 1:26:27 pm PDT

re: #587 Athos

Interesting strawman limiting it to supporting bills on investigating the President / Administration re 9/11. I never mentioned 9/11 - just the fringe hard left loons on the left that are part and parcel of the D party.

So, your position is that McKinney, Kuchinch, Lee, Waters, Franks, Durbin, Holder, Code Pink, Answer, MoveOn, Center for American Progress, Ayers, Wright, Acorn, ACLU, etc don’t hold any modicum of influence over the Democrat Party?

Thanks, that helps me assess your credibility.

Surely you must be kidding right now. Look at the stated policy goals of those organizations, and then look at what Obama has done in office. You tell me if they’ve “influenced” him.

We are still in Iraq and getting deeper into Afghanistan. Obama has backtracked on nearly every one of his campaign promises with regard to gays. He has thumbed his nose at the ACLU by supporting the Bush policies of indefinite detention for terror detainees and continued most if not all of the Bush surveillance programs instituted by the NSA. Kuchinich supports a single-payer healthcare system, which Obama does not wish to implement. He proposes drug legalization, which Obama has roundly rejected.

Find me a single policy that any of these groups have pressured Obama into implementing.