
Overnight Open Thread

Guanxi882/02/2010 10:43:46 am PST

re: #595 Blueheron

Charles could you direct me to a good article on the John Birch Society and their new found influence. Back in the day they were good for a few billboards and ranting about the ‘Warren court’ but everyone I knew blew them off as the crazy uncles in the closet.
Can a case be made they are more influential now? If so can I not still be a limited government conservative without being a ‘Bircher’?
I can promise you I will never be a liberal Democrat. So what would you suggest for those of us who love our country and it’s Constitution?

Hear! hear! I want proof - other than they’re at CPAC - that thy’re gaining power and influence.
I want to know how a limited government case can be made without being in league with them, or whether, if this is impossible, it wouldn’t be better for anyone to the right of the Clintons to just sit out of elections, for the good of the country.