
Onion: Girl Raised from Birth by Wolf

What, me worry?7/23/2010 7:45:15 pm PDT

re: #560 Dragon_Lady

OMG you reminded me…

I’m walking the dog tonight and the outside kitty always walks with us. This woman came riding up on a bike with a little dog in the basket. I said, “Oh look at the cute dog” and she responds in Spanish something… I haven’t a clue, except I picked up “casa”.

Anyway, there’s this large dog, maybe 65lbs running a-ways behind her. I got a little freaked because unleashed dogs always scare me. My dog starts barking and that cat starts getting b i g g e r. Up on all four toes arch back, hissing. The stray thinks better of it and makes a wide circle around us. My dog is pulling me (she’s 45 lbs) and the cat is fixated. All of a sudden the cat takes off and charges the dog. 10 lbs chasing 65 lbs. She scared the hellouta me, but chased that dog down the block.

Anyway, the woman was screaming at me in Spanish. Apparently it was her dog, but I have no idea what she was saying. I guess she was pissed, but my cat beat up her dog. uh huh uh