
'Ender's Game' Distributors at Lionsgate Respond to LGBT Protest Over Orson Scott Card's Gay Views

Rightwingconspirator7/13/2013 10:05:34 am PDT

This is far from the first time we have seen objectionable views from someone involved in a film.

When we consider voting with our dollars, we have to look at all of them. First, I’m not sure whether Orson already was paid in full. or has a continued revenue deal. Then let’s consider who else loses out if a widespread boycott is effective. A bunch of actors, the studio, maybe the sub genre takes a hit. The author of the book is not the big money maker. Writers are not the big moneymakers in a film. If your ticket is $18 in a really nice venue, how much of that will Orson Scott Card get? Not much at all. The studio, actors and set crews are where most of the money goes.

This is not a film Orson owns, or funded. Not at all like Mel Gibson who makes his own films. In that case your money vote carries far more weight.

What a lot of people are not aware of is the studios get about all the money in the opening week or weeks. See the movie late in it’s run and you are supporting the theater more than the studio.

Personally I am invoking my Sean Penn/Mel Gibson/Oliver Stone rule-I go for the story, the quality, & appeal of the film. If Orson comes out with another novel though I’d probably decline a purchase.