
You Can Do Anything: Must Every Kids' Movie Reinforce the Cult of Self-Esteem?

calochortus8/15/2013 12:21:51 pm PDT

re: #5 GeneJockey

This isn’t completely new-although the audience has expanded-there’s been a lot of “positive thinking” stuff out there for many decades.

The corollary to this is apparently about to be TV series-“I survived a horrific situation because I’m strong and knew I had to make it for X reason”

I’m just back from a trip where we had cable TV in the motel (just have broadcast at home.) They were advertising a series called Surviving Evil and the the teasers were all about women who survived some sort of attack, but it left me with the distinct impression that those who didn’t survive were in some way to blame, or lacked will power.

We seem to be reinforcing the apparently natural belief that good stuff happens because of our innate superiority, bad stuff is bad luck or sabotage.