
NBC-Obama Admin. Knew Millions Could Not Keep Their Health Insurance - Investigations

Skip Intro10/28/2013 6:41:18 pm PDT

re: #2 Political Atheist

Fortunately? Maybe not. Maybe if the % were larger the ACA would have done a better job for individuals.
Well this just angers me. Individuals get screwed. They are not a bigger risk than a person of the same age and health in a group. Why do we individuals have to carry the unfair burden in the ACA?!

A major portion of the previously uninsured are going to be on individual plans.

As a person who has been buying his own private health insurance for decades now I’d like to point out that people like me have always been getting screwed.

First, unlike a business, we can’t deduct the premiums we pay from our taxes until they exceed 7.5% of some line on the 1040.

Second, every “free” new benefit that gets passed into law raises the cost of our insurance. People with employer-paid policies never see that.

Third, once you buy a policy you have it for life, or at least until Medicare. No shopping around later for a better deal, because by then you’ve got at least one pre-existing condition that will get you denied everywhere you apply.

I was really looking forward to the ACA so I could finally get a different policy and save some money. With the screw up of the rollout, and the uncertainty of the future of the ACA should the GOP regain the Senate, I guess I’ll just stay where I am and hope I don’t get priced out.