
How I Figured Out That Lee Harvey Oswald Killed JFK

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/22/2013 1:49:31 pm PST

AP tells us:

JFK conspiracy theorists gather in Dallas

Conspiracy theorists are among those gathering in Dallas as the city marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

About 400 academics and history buffs are gathering at the annual JFK Lancer conference held down the street from Dealey Plaza. Debora Conway founded the JFK Lancer conference nearly two decades ago. She compares study of alternate assassination theories to archaeology, saying “We still dig up bones in the sand.”

Attendees planned to watch the official ceremony on screens at the conference hotel.

Also meeting are members of the Coalition on Political Assassinations. Executive director John Judge planned a ceremony at Dealey Plaza Friday afternoon. Members wore shirts depicting Kennedy’s head shot with a bullet on a half-dollar coin.

And guess who also showed up:

‘No More Lies!’: Alex Jones Leads JFK Conspiracy Theorists Rally in Dallas