
Nearly 40 News Outlets Accuse Obama Administration of Limiting Access

Rightwingconspirator11/27/2013 7:57:02 am PST

re: #1 TatteredPhoenix

The White House isn’t Hollywood, it’s a place of work and a family home. These people are just pissed they can’t act like paparazzi, and they deserve just as much respect as those leaches.

You disagree with the president’s initiatives? Do you want to see him fail? Fine, whatever. You’re bloody news agencies, write what you will. Just don’t think you have some mythical right to harass his kids however you want.

How is it you see no middle ground between official photogs only and reasonable access well short of paparazzi behavior? This is the LA Times and some other respected organizations speaking out.

My motivation here is to speak out for a free press and the check it provides on power, long term in a democracy. May I ask how you view that point, rather than Drudge, dudebros, glibertarians etc?