
Lunar Eclipse Causes Panic in Strange Tribe of Throwbacks

The Ghost of a Flea4/15/2014 1:01:51 pm PDT

John Hagee is in on the blood moon stuff as well.

“Prophecy” enthusiast, mega-church pastor and pretty good saxophonist John Hagee of San Antonio — who has been preaching an imminent Rapture for more than a generation — sees great prophetic significance in these eclipses occurring around four Jewish holy days. In his view, that must mean … something. Seriously, that’s what he says in the title of his book: Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change.

I don’t often agree with Hagee, but I’ll give him that one. I, too, believe that “something” will “change” between now and September of next year. Maybe even more than one something.

This is a prophecy with solid precedent. We’ve had total lunar eclipses before, and after every one of them, something changed.

And I’m contractually obligated to mention that this is the guy that thinks Hitler was a message from God to push the Jews back to Israel.