
This Is What Happens When Legislators Don't Learn Science in School

lostlakehiker7/03/2014 3:33:59 pm PDT

In defense of Sen. Brandon Smith, he probably meant to say that Venus has the exact same temperature as Earth, despite having an atmosphere that’s mainly carbon dioxide. Surely no one will suggest that he actually believed that Mars was as warm as the Earth. *

What he must have meant to say would have been a more telling point, actually, because if true, it would have utterly demolished the theory that carbon dioxide can affect the temperature on a planet.

Then again, Senator Smith has probably seen replicas of Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, and who could argue that she is not hot?

So maybe I just can’t tell what Sen. Smith was thinking.

New theory: he was thinking dang, that’s good weed.

*I rather doubt he gave it any thought one way or another. Hey, it’s a talking point. You don’t believe those. You just say them.