
Virginia Same-Sex Marriage Ban Struck Down by Federal Court

Lidane7/28/2014 11:59:00 am PDT

Meanwhile, Heritage is trying to use nullification to stop same-sex marriage:

Heritage Foundation Fellow Trots Out Radical Nullification Argument Against Marriage Equality

On Friday, Heritage promoted on its website a video clip of Anderson speaking at a Stanford University event, where he was asked by an attendee why he, as a gay man, should not be able to file a joint tax return if he gets legally married in California.

Anderson responded that legally married same-sex couples should not have access to all the trappings of legal marriage, because while in some states they can “be issued a marriage license,” they “can’t actually get married” because marriage is inherently a union of a man and a woman.

I love the sound of a dying ideology on a Monday. It helps a slow work day move faster.