
Witness: Michael Brown Did Not Reach for Police Weapon Before He Was Shot to Death

Kragar8/12/2014 12:55:21 pm PDT

Police said the man, identified as 60-year-old Douglas Leguin, called 911 to say he was part of the anti-government sovereign citizen movement.

Investigators said the man apparently set the Dumpster fire and called in the missing persons report as part of a planned ambush on officers.

The man, who was armed with an AK-47 and wearing a towel or bandana around his head, set off a smoke bomb and shot off propane tanks during a brief SWAT standoff.

He surrendered to police and will be charged with seven counts of aggravated assault on a public servant.

A fire, firing an AK-47 at the cops, and setting up an ambush designed to kill cops, and cops still got him to surrender.

But an unarmed kid walking down the street gets shot 10 times.

Fuck this bullshit.