
WSJ: Obama Considering Executive Action to Close Guantanamo Unilaterally

Rightwingconspirator10/10/2014 3:07:56 pm PDT

Not gonna happen. First the administration has denied the rumors. Second can you spell f i l i b u s t e r ?

This makes no sense anyway right now. Gitmo open or closed will not have any big impact on how the US is viewed. Why? ISIS. Ukraine. The mid terms. The primary beneficiary would be the next President whoever that’s gonna be. Might not even be a Democrat, who knows?


The White House denied a Wall Street Journal report that it is considering ways to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, which could lead to detainees being transferred into the continental United States….

Despite the denial, Republicans were outraged by what they said is another attempt to sidestep Congress. Roberts, faced with a tough re-election race, said he thinks other Republicans would be with him.
“Ted Cruz did it with regards to Obamacare, if necessary I’ll do it for terrorists,” Roberts said. “I don’t know if I could do 21 hours — maybe 22 or 23. But I will have help on this. I can see John McCain there, and I can see Lindsey Graham there, and I can see Kelly Ayotte there, and I can see a whole bunch of other people there.”