
Question for Guitar Boffins

b_sharp1/24/2015 6:46:19 pm PST

re: #5 Souliren

I can’t comment on the hardware. ( I have a Fender Acoustic and no amplifier)

My advice to a middle aged old fart (who is probably younger than me) is to, as soon as possible, start creating music that God and you are hearing for the first time.

Learn a scale. Pick it on the guitar. (it will be boring and tedious) then look for a YouTube video of a backing track and play random notes on the scale.
Before you know it, you will be choosing the notes in advance. Later you will be listening to the music your subconscious is creating.

Yeah you have to learn chords and songs, etc. if you expect to perform at a campfire but the above exercise is worth 20% of your practice time.

That’s like inventing your own ear worm.