
Watch Live: Netanyahu's Controversial Speech to Congress

Dr. Matt3/03/2015 8:01:58 am PST

Here’s your Bibi drinking game (From

Bibi wears a blue tie — 1 drink

Emphasizes his “respect” for Obama and for the office of the president — 1 drink

Mentions “bipartisan” support for Israel among US lawmakers — 1 drink (+1 bonus for the phrase “both sides of the aisle”)

Explains the purpose of the speech he’s in the process of giving — 1 drink

Explains what ISN’T the purpose of the speech, such as, ya know, undermining the US president — 2 drinks

Calls US relationship with Israel “special” — 1 drink

Calls the relationship “strong” — 1 drink

“Stronger than ever” — 2 drinks

Says US support for Israel is “steadfast” — 2 drinks

Uses the phrase “shoulder to shoulder” — 1 drink

“Shared dream” — 1 drink

“Common values” — 1 drink

“Shared dream and common values” — 3 drinks

Calls US and Israel “friends” — 1 drink (+1 bonus if he upgrades it to “family’)

Standing ovation (Republicans only) — 1 drink

Standing ovation (Democrats only) — 3 drinks

Standing ovation (whole chamber) — 0 drinks, have some water and stay hydrated because this is going to take a while

Standing ovation (partial, not fully committed, ambivalent) — 1 drink

John Boehner cries — 1 drink, throw something at TV

Bibi claps along as audience applauds him — 3 drinks

Notes “important differences” between US and Israel — 1 drink

Waves from podium — 1 drink