
The Republican Party Is Heading Toward a Cliff

Mattand3/15/2015 12:56:24 pm PDT

The GOP has been heading for a cliff for the last 8 years the same way Iran is always 5-10 years from a nuke.

In other words: it’s a meme people like to repeat. They’re not going anywhere. Why? Because people keep voting for them. These guys only fear one thing: losing re-election. Seriously, how many of these guys have constituents that will look at that idiotic letter and not put them back in office?

None. Zero. Zilch.

This party has all but renamed itself God’s Chosen White Knights of the Republic and they keep gaining seats, for fuck’s sake. Yes, I know gerrymandering has a lot to do with it, but where are the precious Independents who supposedly are not beholden to any ideology? From what you read, you’d think that brain trust could easily negate any ill effect from gerrymandering.

I’m sorry, but this “GOP is sidling up next to the Whigs in the political afterlife” stuff is horseshit.