
Unedited Helicopter Video of FBI Shootout With Oregon Militant

lawhawk1/29/2016 6:12:05 am PST

Reposted from below:

The same folks who see no problem with cops gunning down Michael Brown or any number of other unarmed young black men (or women) who did absolutely nothing to warrant police action in the first place other than walking/playing/talking/living while Black, suddenly think that a Bundy militia domestic terrorist had their hands up and wasn’t going for a gun in his jacket pocket?

The FBI/OSP knew who they were coming up against. They had all kinds of evidence against all those in that convoy coming out of the refuge. They knew that this one was angling for suicide by cop, and had indicated as much in public statements. He wanted a confrontation, and even attacked law enforcement by striking one with his vehicle. He ran a roadblock.

Cops used an appropriate level of force considering the situation and the remaining suspects were arrested without any use of deadly force.