
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Brave Sir Donald Ran Away

KGxvi5/12/2020 4:33:29 pm PDT

From the last thread:

re: #272 A Mom Anon

I do not remember who said it, but the saying was something to the effect that these fucking rich assholes will not stop destroying the earth until the only thing they literally have left to eat is their actual money. A nice big bowl of cash with a nice vinaigrette. John Muir warned us about these fucks more than a century ago. They won’t stop until they are stopped. That is the only thing that will work.

I’ve been watching a lot of Star Wars lately, and it reminded me of something I used to think about when I was younger… if you were to live in the Star Wars universe, would you want to live on a planet like Courasant - which is basically one giant city? Or would you rather live on one of the other planets that is more earth-like? My opinion on that always changes - like I sort of love the idea of a giant city planet, but then you get into the different levels of the planet (in canon I believe the planet has been built out so much that the only “natural” formation left is the very peak of the planet’s highest mountain), and how different life is for those at the top…