
Tyranol: The Drug for Conservatives Who Want to Forget They Praised Putin [VIDEO]

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/05/2022 5:31:46 pm PST

I still have no idea how this is all going to work out.

Putin’s objectives are clearly not based on thinking that is of the type found in so many western talking heads and twitterati.

It is not clear to me that chaos can be avoided for the rest of the century.

That the post WWII world order will collapse is not beyond what we’re looking at here.

That institutions like the UN, the collection of central banks which tie the global economy to the US currency, etc., may all be on the block over the coming years.

The religious right in this country have already demonstrated their desire for a strong man despot.

The very rich are not going to be your saviors. The Murdochs, Mercers, etc. of this world are ideological while the Gates, Bezos, etc. are at best money shepherds.