
The Fearless Flyers Rehearse Backstage at Madison Square Garden Pre-Gig and Bring the Funk

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/18/2022 7:03:59 pm PDT

re: #5 William Lewis

As a hotel person, that may be different between Hilton owned properties and franchise properties. Some things like that may be left to the owner’s preference. Note, I’m in the IHG food chain, not Hilton.

I’d have the idiot on my “do not rent” list but that’s a separate thing.

I just read an article about a couple who stayed in a different Hilton property in Tulsa a couple months ago who had bullets come through the wall of their room.

They got corporate boilerplate about franchise versus corporate-owned. The thing is, the corporation can absolutely require the franchisee to follow their rules if they chose to do so.

The couple points out months later they are still traumatised by the experience, and entirely underwhelmed by the response from Hilton.

The local FOX station sent an investigative reporter to the hotel to stay in the same room. She noted that there is no way to tell if the hotel is a franchise vs. corporate hotel (no signage).