
Saturday Morning Funkaganza: The Fearless Flyers IV (Live Album)

ckkatz2/10/2024 11:06:47 am PST

From last thread-

re: #321 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Was out east in Bedford, PA yesterday to have lunch with one of my cousins who lives there. Was really nice weather for walking around a small town and for the drive time as well.

Ate lunch at a restaurant in an old tavern outside of Bedford that was built in 1762.

[Embedded content]

Another piece of highway Americana I saw but did not stop at is “The Big Coffee Pot” A small building that is a 15’ tall coffee pot that used to be a small store and was originally built next to a cafe along US 30.

I used to drive past that Tavern back in the 1970s-1990s when I was visiting my parents in Pittsburgh while living in the DC area. I always meant to stop and try it. But, to my regret, never did.