
Jon Stewart and the Guatemalan Syphilis Experiment

jaunte10/06/2010 6:22:06 pm PDT

re: #4 thatthatisis

It is truly shocking … that I haven’t heard anyone complaining about Obama apologizing for America yet.

It would be a really stupid position for a politician to take… so we’ll have to wait and see. Some comments at the LATimes are already establishing a disgusting pattern for the potential objections:

“Don’t appologize for me. I have no inherited collective guilt on this one. I wasn’t alive then and ever were I it wasn’t me but the Democratic politicians in Washington who did this. If the Democrats feel collective inherited guilt then Hillary and Nancy and Obama can apologize for themselves. Leave the rest of us out of it.

Is this a continuation of the Obama Appology World Tour where he apologizes to the world for America. Maybe we should give $1M to each Guatamalan or allow them to be instant US Citizens. OK. Apology made, likely not accepted without cash, but end of story. I think Hillary should aplogize to the US people for her idiot husband.