
BBC 'This World': Geert Wilders, Europe's Most Dangerous Man

Bob Levin2/16/2011 2:09:59 pm PST

re: #5 Jimmah

I watched the video. It was clearly inferring that the Jews are behind Wilders. If you can’t see it, then once again, Holocaust education has failed.

If they wanted to talk about specific Israelis, fine. But at 30 seconds, they show the Israeli flag, a generalization referring to all Israelis. The commentary is about half a million references to a connection between Wilders and Israel, not specific Israelis. Generalizations, not specifics.

They focus on that flag, doing a close up for 12 seconds, saying that Wilders visited the Israeli embassy on numerous occasions. That is not a specific reference to some Jews, it is a generalization to all of Israel. The visits are not friendly, but they are suspicious. Something secret is taking place in those meetings—again, using the Elders of Zion template.

Then Wilders is accused of being a spy. A spy? A spy for whom? Why, a spy for Israel since he asks questions about relations with Israel. Oh, this is very suspicious. And then, the unnamed source says very clearly that Wilders was being informed by the Israeli embassy, definitely a spy for Israel—not specific Jews, all of Israel. Shady music in the background. Ominous chords.

More damning proof, he likes Israel, more ominous music. (Leni Reifenstahl, anyone?) Aha! He has Jewish blood! He married a Jew! (Are you kind of wondering about the relevance of these facts?) Now this lasted for over a minute, and if you think that isn’t much, then the entire advertising industry of the US would beg to differ. They can get their message across in only 30 seconds of air time.

What would this be like if they didn’t set up this Antisemitic frame? If they cut out that minute or so. He would just be a guy with opinions with which you can disagree. But, they had to put him in the context of the mythical worldwide Jewish conspiracy. It ain’t no meme, and it’s not harmless.