
Former defense chief Gates takes college post, immediately begins to court OPEC donors

Gus9/06/2011 7:52:25 pm PDT

re: #5 Bob Levin

1. Look up the operating costs of any American University.

2. Look up the job description of a chancellor.

3. You will see that fundraising is a big part of the job.

4. Google Saudi Arabia + donations to American Universities.

5. Don’t nitpick the links, the issue is that OPEC nations give lots of money to US universities.

6. See #2.

7. See #3.

8. Donations come with strings attached. That’s the real world. If you don’t know the strings that are attached to OPEC money, then we’ve pretty much exhausted the conversation.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. I’ve never seen such “guilt by association.” So according to this theory you have delineated here anyone that takes a job at any “American university” is “courting OPEC donors.” This is quite a stretch.