
Overnight Open Thread

Kragar11/14/2011 10:51:26 pm PST

Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski stands by fired Penn Sate coach Joe Paterno

Krzyzewski said Paterno is a “great man” who may have been a victim of a closed-mouth generation, citing that as a possible explanation for the coach not doing more about the child sex abuse allegations against Penn State’s former defensive coordinator, Jerry Sandusky.

“ I just feel badly for (Paterno),” Krzyzewski said Monday. “Whatever he is responsible for, it will come out, and hopefully it will come out from him. I think one thing you have to understand is that Coach Paterno is 84 years old. I’m not saying that for an excuse. The cultures that he’s been involved in, both football-wise and socially, there have been immense changes. And how social issues are handled in those generations are quite different, quite different. And I think that has something to do with the situation. ”

Fucking asshole. He sheltered a child molester so he could play a game for money. Any “greatness” this man could claim was built on and buried under shit.