
Pamela Geller's Desperate Spin Somehow Misses Mosque Attack Suspect's Anti-Muslim Statements

lawhawk1/04/2012 9:58:36 am PST

re: #1 Alouette

Wait, what? What does she mean by “one of Chuckie Johnson’s friends.”

Exactly how many lizards have tossed Molotov cocktails at places that pissed them off, or suggested doing so (and weren’t immediately banhammered by Stinky)

OTOH, Breivik was inspired by Pammy.

Let’s see - if we’re going to tar and feather based on associations, none of Charles’ friends have taken to rioting in the streets of the UK or beaten up people because they’re racists like the VB or EDL that Pam has chosen to associate with despite Charles pointing out the obvious racist and violent backgrounds of both groups.

Point to Charles.

Some of those who have commented at Pam’s site continue to advocate violence, and she supports restoring the Wordpress site that called for violence against Muslims and whose commenters were also advocating violence - a clear violation of the Wordpress TOS.

Point to Charles.

Charles deletes and kills accounts of those who advocate violence; Pamela ignores such statements on her site.

Two more points to Charles.

As to the substance of the crimes - the alleged firebomber had grievances with those who he targeted, and he repeatedly made anti-Muslim statements, which is why he’s being charged with arson as a hate crime, and 4 other arson charges. Anti-Muslim statements are a staple on Pam’s site, painting the entire Muslim community with a broad smearing brush, while Charles has focused on the extremists who justify their terrorism via Islam. (Again point to Charles).

She not so subtly digs at the mosque for not letting him access the restroom in the mosque (“hey didn’t let him use the john, how very… un-Christian-like), but how often do churches or synagogues allow someone to just walk in off the street to use the facilities when they don’t know who or what that person is doing.

No, this guy had problems, and was prone to violence - as his criminal record indicates.