
Right Wingers Deluge MIT Climate Scientist with Hate Mail, Threats

Ming1/14/2012 11:05:23 am PST

Threats against family members? And we’re talking about a climate scientist at MIT??? We desperately need prominent Republicans to speak out against such behavior, which (as I’ve said before) reminds me of European-style facism, circa the 1930’s.

I would love to see a prominent politician (and more than one, ideally) say publicly that he or she is to the right of Obama on this issue, and that issue, and a whole bunch of issues, AND that he or she categorically condemns the stirring up of hatred, and by the way he or she accepts mainstream climate science. It’s wonderful that Jon Huntsman has already done basically that; we need a lot more Republican politicians to follow in his footsteps.

I’m sure we’re all used to it by now, but when I see a blog post like this one, I’m always astonished. I keep saying to myself, “I can’t believe this is happening.”

The “right-wing” doesn’t say a lot about people like Osama bin Laden, or Ahmadinejad. At least from what I encounter in the news, the enemies of the right-wing, the people they condemn as evil, are ordinary Americans. Like the wife of some guy who does research at MIT.