
George Zimmerman's Bond Revoked for Lying to the Court

Killgore Trout6/01/2012 12:39:07 pm PDT

re: #2 lawhawk

I can’t wait to see Zimmerman’s supporters try to spin this one.

There’s no one to blame but Zimmerman for lying to the court about both his financial status and that he was contemplating skipping out of the country. Bail is designed to insure presence, not as a punitive measure; bail isn’t granted where the defendant is a flight risk.

Zimmerman hits the daily double with his pair of lies/omissions.

To jail he will go awaiting trial.

I’m pretty sure the money was already known about so it was probably the concealed passport that did him in. Pretty stupid considering he can’t travel out of the country under his own name anyways. He’d need a fake passport to get out. I was an article yesterday saying the trial isn’t even going to start for another year or so. He’s going to be sitting in jail for a very long time.