
Romney: Being Vague About My Plans Helps Me Get Elected

moderatelyradicalliberal6/17/2012 9:51:02 am PDT

re: #4 allegro

This is why I wish the media would report on state GOP and Dem platforms so people could/would see just what they’re voting for. The differences are tremendous. When I point out the contents of the GOP platform here in Texas people are astonished and most of them (even Republicans) find it offensive. Of course, I hear from most of them “Oh, it’s just words - they’d never get away with it,” as they continue to vote for them. But by shining a bright line on this shit, we can whittle away at some of the votes to hopefully squash these destructive bugs.

Question if you aren’t voting GOP because of what’s in their platform, what the hell are you voting GOP for?