
Russian soldiers headed to Syria, as Russian weapons exporter gives military systems to Assad regime

EiMitch6/17/2012 6:44:37 pm PDT

re: #5 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

Um, because Assad is the one mass murdering civilians? Just a blind guess.

Btw, how many revolutions are fought by the majority of people? Typically, a large minority taking up arms is as good as it gets.

If you think we shouldn’t get involved because it’ll cause problems for us, say that. If you think the rebels aren’t exactly trust-worthy, say that. But…

What your actually discussing here is revolutionary war against a legitimate standing government

I never again want to hear a single word in defense of that mass murder Assad. Targeting entire cities of his own people pretty much makes “legitimacy” a moot point. A government outright attacking its own people ain’t a government at all.

Not to mention that Assad is also having journalists and all other outside observers killed. One simply doesn’t do that unless they’re hiding something real ugly.