
Apple has a 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' App

Bob Levin8/20/2012 10:46:09 am PDT

re: #5 Aye Pod

I was asking, where does the racism come from? Is it taught, or is it something deeper?

If it’s deeper, then society has to ask questions it hasn’t been asking. Because we obviously aren’t getting any answers. The bigotry is still like a contagion.

There’s this old joke about a guy, call him Sam, who’s lost his car keys. He’s looking for the keys on a lighted parking lot. It’s the dead of night. Another guy comes up and asks what the problem is, then he asks where did he drop the keys? Sam says that I lost the keys in that vacant lot across the street. Then why look here? The light’s better here.

That’s how society is approaching the problem. We keep looking in the same places for answers, and the answers are somewhere else. We keep recycling the same solutions—when the solutions clearly haven’t worked.

So, what’s most effective? Stopping Apple from selling the app, or somehow getting the bigots to crawl back under the rock? Both of you are correct, the best answer isn’t there. And that’s because our understanding of the human pysche or soul or self, or whatever is just not adequate for this problem to be solved.

The answer will require a drastic change in our going-on-two century old notion of who we are.