
Religious Right Rallies for Missouri Caveman Todd Akin

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/23/2012 11:34:17 am PDT

And speaking of this blending of religious fervor and politics, usually through the mechanism we call the “GOP”:

After Delaying Release Of Voucher Documents, Louisiana To Send Taxpayer Funds To ‘Prophet’

Louisiana Superintendent John White, the public face of the state’s massive and much-maligned school voucher system, has been hammered both locally and nationally for his announced slate of school standards. Editorials, educators, and legislators have criticized the program, and the latest news — St. John the Baptist parish (the equivalent of a county) announced on Tuesday it could lose up to $2 million due to the program — only serves to emphasize the controversy.

In an attempt to assuage criticism, White said his department would finally release documents detailing the vetting process that the 119 voucher schools — 99 percent of which are religious — endured prior to their approval. He won’t, however, release the documents until September — one month after many of the students have begun studying at their new schools.


Indeed, criticism of the voucher system — which the Louisiana Supreme Court failed to block last Thursday — seems likely to increase once the documents are released. After initial tales of schools teaching antediluvian creationism and methods for preparing for the Rapture — including at least one school that discriminates based on religion and sexual orientation — it was reported that the Light City Christian Academy, located in New Orleans, had been approved for 80 students this fall, raking approximately $364,000 in state funds.

The school is not the only Christian institution that will be receiving state monies, but it is, thus far, the only one helmed by a man who says he “wears the mantle of an Apostle and Prophet.” Apostle Leonard Lucas, a one-term state representative, has been the subject of recent profilings for his charitable ventures, many of which are listed as “Not in Good Standing” by the Louisiana Secretary of State.

Should Light City meet the minimum voucher standards over the first year — that is, if they receive at least a state-issued grade of D-minus — they are eligible for an additional 83 students, which, if granted, would jump the K-12 school’s size approximately 400 percent from its 2011-12 total.


This is the Jindal-ization of the Louisiana education system. This is what happens when religious groups attempt to skirt the prohibition on state endorsing religions.

There is much backward thinking in the culture of America, and fighting against it has always been tough. The “cavemen”, as Charles has succinctly put the neolithic gang that want to reassert their views, don’t like modernity. Not at all.