
Getting Over the Code Delusion: On the Demise of DNA as Destiny

Aligarr9/16/2012 1:36:41 pm PDT

This was a very interesting article .I too was surprised , as I hadn’t noticed the website , however it does bring up plausible questions . I believe that the arguments for and against ID will remain in the realm of the philosophical . What blew me away was the complexity of the mechanisms that drive the genome , and each layer pealed back reveals only exponentially more layers .If in fact Talbot is correctly explaining the present state of the science , then it begins to pose questions that the expanation for life is so utterly complex that it will never be understood but merely described and further investigation will eventually lead to the conclusion that the microcosm just like the macrocosm is unscrutable .Thus neither side randomness nor ID will be abe to win the argument .The lack of information for either will leave the two defenseless in debate .