
Edward Snowden Never Had Access to the NSA's "Crown Jewels"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam7/23/2013 5:39:51 am PDT

re: #52 Justanotherhuman

What struck me was that the age group 30-44 had the largest percentage that believed that “God created human beings in their present form within the last ten thousand years.”

Mormons, at 76%, was the largest % who believed in teaching creationism or “intelligent design”. even higher than Protestants at 52%. Not surprising in that the Book of Mormon states American Natives are considered descendants of Jews, too.

“For a century or so, scientists have theorized Asians migrated to the Americas across a land bridge at least 14,000 years ago. But Mormons have been taught to believe the Book of Mormon — the faith’s keystone text — is a literal record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas who descended from the Israelite patriarch Lehi, who sailed to the New World around 600 B.C. The book’s narrative continues through about 400 A.D. “

Mormons hold to those beliefs despite ample, modern evidence contradicting them. Genetic evidence alone indicates there was no “migration” from the Levant to North America in prehistoric times.