
Right Wing Bloggers Ranting in Unison; Never Gets Old

NJDhockeyfan2/28/2014 11:31:35 am PST

This is why they took control of the airports and shut down airspace for flights…

0651 GMT: Russian planes landing in Crimea:

Below a translation from Urainskaya Pravda about Russian military planes landing in Crimea:

Russian airplanes are landing in Crimea from the direction of Russia, and a column of APCs is heading from the east toward Simferopol.

There are reports of at least 5 large IL-76 planes landing in the district of the military airfield in the town of Gvardeyskoye.

Various sources are reporting that a column of 10 Russian APCs is heading from Sevastopol toward Simfereopol.

Interfax Ukraine reports that all air traffic is halted at the Belbek Airport in Sevastopol due to the seizure of the landing strip by unknown persons.

“There are about 400 people now in the Belbek airport. They have occpuied the landing strip and any movement of planes is stopped,” said a source.