
Did the Justice Department Really "Bad-Mouth" Glenn Greenwald to Muslim Leaders? Uh, Nope.

Killgore Trout7/12/2014 12:20:00 pm PDT

re: #51 austin_blue

Other neighbors tell a different story
Israel kills two handicapped Palestinian women in air strike on home for disabled

Suha Abu Sada probably knew or understood nothing about the suspected Palestinian militants who lived in the flats above her and whose names featured on Israel’s assassination list.
The pair - one a member of Hamas, the other of Islamic Jihad, according to a neighbour - were not at home at around 4.30am on Saturday when the strike found its target with deadly force.
Witnesses said a drone fired two warning shots at the building moments before the fatal strike but said most residents would have been unable to respond in time.

Another problem with the NYT version is the witness claiming that they didn’t understand the roof knock warnings. We understand the warnings, residents of Gaza certainly understand them.