
Glenn Beck to Fanatic Who Attacked Satanist Display: "I'm Glad Somebody Is Standing Up"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/15/2015 12:13:45 pm PST

re: #59 ObserverArt

Or Satellite dude.

I get the feeling they do not feel welcome around here any more. I’ve had that feeling since the Kilgore Trout episodes. They probably feel picked on, etc.

I wish they were still around as it adds to the dynamic of a good discussion board. But I also understand the numbers against them (whether real or perceived) and how that may have made them feel.

One reason I respect Dark_Falcon. He gets a lot of flack and thankfully is able to keep it all in perspective. At least I hope he does!

You know, KT’s problem honestly wasn’t even being disagreeable. It was just being contrary for the sake of being contrary. It’s one thing if you really do disagree and articulate your reasons for doing so. It’s another to just be a dick and say OUTRAGE all the time as a means of dismissing people. He never acted like a jerk to me individually but I really did not like the way he discussed things. As for DF, I just wish he would realize why so many of us find NR distasteful. I think he’s a good dude even if he is well too emotionally attached to his party.