
Donald Trump Goes All in on the "War on Christmas" Derpfest

lawhawk11/10/2015 11:09:35 am PST

Another GOP debate, and another bunch of lies thrown about without sufficient fact-checking as it happens.

Trump says he’s going to force China to stop with currency manipulation. Ha. Let him get back to us once Trump stops having his clothing line made in China (among other non-US locations).

Carly’s going to skip the part about taxes though. She wont do policy details . While most of her opponents have proffered tax plans that would shatter the debt with trillions of dollars of new debt and shifting the tax burdens from the rich on to everyone else, Carly’s decided not to trot out her own tax plan. Her rationale is that none of the other plans would ever happen, so why trot out a plan that has no chance of success.

It’s one less thing for people to attack her over I guess.

Of course, she’s got plenty of other lies to pick from - and she’s hoping that everyone focuses on Carson’s lies instead of her own.

Meanwhile, Gov. Christie’s standing in NJ is hitting new lows - as the polls are showing NJers want him to quit the race altogether. And other polls show him within view of the dreaded asterisk. As it is, he’s within the MOE.