
Wunderkind Jacob Collier's First Video From His Debut Album Is Insanely Great

Reality Based Steve4/02/2016 7:46:26 pm PDT

Over on FR they have hit Warp Derp. This is from one of the million or so threads about how Trump is being abused in some form or fashion.

People are waiting for Cruz to be eliminated first in terms of the 1237.

Then the next battle is over the seating of the delegates. As that reaches to maximum contention, Roger Stone will be organizing a million person march to the Cleveland Convention.

I will go but I’m a single father of a pre-teen boy and will need to have insurance on my life just so he can carry on in the event of my death. Problem is most life insurance doesn’t cover riots and combat. So I’m searching.

There is no greater calling than to risk all for saving our republic. And this is the battle of a lifetime.

yea…. it’s going to be just like Normandy, Watts and the Battle of Hastings all rolled into one.