
Trump Barred From Speaking to NYPD Officers, Then Says Police Commissioner Is Lying

majii7/08/2016 1:59:25 pm PDT

re: iossarian

You don’t have to be a POC living in a “minority community” for some law enforcement officials to treat you differently than they would treat a white person. I don’t live in a what could be described as a “minority community,” but as I wrote here last night, if I go to certain neighborhoods here in Middle GA, those living in that neighborhood would call the police and I would stand a good chance of being locked up and taken to jail, a place I’ve never been in my 60+ years, all because of race and someone thinking I had no business being there. I could be visiting someone I know who lives there, but it wouldn’t matter. Once the cops showed up, they’d believe the white person living in the neighborhood, and I’d probably be told to shut up, cuffed, and taken to the police station. This is the way it is for POC and some others, all over America, and some, like those at Red State, seem to think we’re making this sh*t up, and the reason they think that is because sh*t like this never happens to them.