
Seth Meyers: Republicans Don't Know What's in Their Own Health Care Bill

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/22/2017 2:53:01 am PDT

re: #59 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

There is also a theory presented that the Middle Ages never happened and that our calendar is off by centuries…

But this is modern America, where anybody’s facts are as good as anybody else and we don’t have to listen to what snooty over-educated liberal elitist “experts” tell us about anything, especially if it contradicts our firmly-held system of beliefs.

I’m one of the coastal liberal elites. (Well, I live in the Sandhills, sometimes called the Inland Coast. I am a liberal, and I guess “high school education with head screwed on straight” constitutes elite these days.)

There has always been an anti-intellectual strain in this country. As far as elites go, if I need surgery I want the most elite surgeon I can dig up. If I want my plumbing fixed, I want the best plumber around. I don’t want a plumber doing my surgery or a surgeon doing my plumbing. And I don’t want either flying a commercial plane (as in that cartoon that pops up here occasionally on the passengers voting on a new pilot).