
Video: A Shocking Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939 - "A Night at the Garden"

lawhawk10/15/2017 6:41:12 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the NYC metro area.

It isn’t surprising to anyone here, but the people most affected by Trump’s insane sabotage of CSRs are the GOP dominated states. They’re the ones who will see the biggest spikes in premiums. They’re the ones who will get the most out of pocket costs added to their burdens.

And yet they continue to think Trump’s helping them.

Trump knows his marks better than most.

He also knows the media isn’t going to ask him tough questions before policies are announced.

Media needs to ask him directly what specifics are included in his tax policies. Ask him about the estate tax repeal, and who that helps and whether his family benefits. Ask him the thresholds for the estate tax.

Then demand he answer the same questions about the tax brackets.

As we saw in the debates, he can’t answer any of this, but the media continues giving him a pass. They continue giving this entire admin and the GOP a pass despite they elected a reactionary know nothing who isn’t competent to hold the position.